I’m Hurunnessa Fariad
and I’m running for the Virginia State Senate
November 16th, 2024 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
I want to bring the voices of working-class families, survivors, and diverse communities to the forefront of our legislative priorities. As a former child refugee, single mother, and survivor of domestic violence, I have faced many of the challenges that too many Virginians encounter every day. My platform is rooted in the principles of equity, justice, and opportunity for all. Together, we can build a Virginia where every person has access to quality healthcare, a strong education, economic opportunity, and the right to live with safety and dignity.

A Success Story
With over 16 years of experience in education and community service, she is deeply committed to equity and inclusion. As Director of Outreach at Multi-Faith Neighbors Network and a board member for several organizations, she advocates for collaboration, cultural sensitivity, and policies that prioritize the needs of all communities. Hurunnessa’s dedication to service, combined with her diverse leadership, makes her a passionate advocate for meaningful change.